Further Packaging Sketching

Idea One


  • same character experiencing all the different moods – makes it more relatable for the audience
  • different things coming out of his head relating to each bar (all different)
  • different colours for each bar (maybe text is a darker green and lighter green for the background and follow that system – different colours but use different shades in each bar)


Idea Two


  • same character so it’s relatable to the audience
  • action that the character is doing is related to the subtitle eg “fight the hanger” and they are fighting

Packaging Research

This is artist research if we decide to go with the idea of creating a mini scene on which chocolate bar (different scene each time).

A magazine in Portugal called ‘Weekend’ follows a similar style

Protein Research

  • Protein is a vital nutrient required for building, maintaining, and repairing tissues, cells, and organs throughout the body.
  • Most animal sources of protein, such as meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and dairy, deliver all the amino acids your body needs, while plant-based protein sources such as grains, beans, vegetables, and nuts often lack one or more of the essential amino acids.


Health benefits

  • Keeps your immune system functioning properly, maintains heart health and your respiratory system, and speeds recovery after exercise
  • Growth development for children and maintaining health in older years
  • reduce your risk for diabetes and cardiovascular disease
  • Can improve your mood and boost your resistance to stress, anxiety, and depression
  • Protein is also important for your appearance. Helps with hair, nail growth and skin
  • Keeps you full for longer and fuelling you with extra energy for exercise
    • “You are most likely to feel fuller after eating protein than other nutrients, including fiber, and one of the theories behind why higher-protein dietswork well with weight loss is because it helps you not feel hungry,” says Purdue University nutrition professor Wayne Campbell, PhD.


Why are people eating more protein?

  • Fitspo trend
  • Being healthy is cool
    • Healthy food on social media
    • Fitspiration
    • Want to fit into that lifestyle
    • People are going to the gym more and so using protein supplements – powders mixed with milk/water and bars
  • People are more conscious of what they are eating and their body
  • More conscious/care about sugar drop – our bar will offer something more sustaining
  • Awareness around sugar’s impact due to sugar regulations and laws seen in media


Works Cited




Visual Ideas

Geometric moodboard

  • abstraction of sports fields/courts, geometric lines

Screen Shot 2017-09-25 at 7.09.04 pm.png

  • adding movement with the direction of the lines and the abstract arrow shape


Cave man mood

  • cave man imagery

Monster mood

  • using monsters/creatures for each flavour
  • maybe the bar could be a monster rather than a picture of amonster on a bar
  • relate to ideas of hanger

Idea Brainstorm


  • Personalisation??? Experience economy…..? Online, coke thing (share a coke with…)
  • Multi purpose choc (baking etc..)
  • Protein, sports bar.. Nuts?? “The trend for protein is still booming and becoming more mainstream, breaking free from the sports nutrition niche and focusing on satiety rather than sports recovery.”
  • use of tracking codes on packaging to view where ingredients are sourced from
  • Shift towards simple pleasures trend as a way of tackling ethical/environmental issues
  • Rise of the hybrid, cross branding – combining with one of Nestles older/NZ brands to create NZ feel like Whittakers does